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US Hispanics know what to do about the Border Crisis

In October of 2022 a National Review online headline surprisingly stated “Exclusive: Hispanics More Likely Than White Democrats to Say Border ‘Not Secure’ by Double-Digit Margins.”1 The article cited a poll of Hispanics who were likely to vote in the 2022 November Mid-Term elections and concluded that “just 34 percent of Hispanics said the border was ‘secure,’ while 53 percent said it was “not secure.” In the past year (2023), Hispanic voters now see that border policy and economic hard times are related and realize that current policies are exacerbating these problems. Quoted in Semafor, an online news magazine, Hispanic Massey Villareal who is chairman of the Texas Association of Business, stated “All that Trump would have to do is run a campaign about who shut down your job,” he said. “I mean, it’s gonna be pointed at Joe Biden.”2

According to a 2022 The New Republic (a left-leaning news magazine) article, many of the reasons that US Hispanic voters are deserting the Democratic Party mirror those of non-Hispanic voters.3 Among these are:

  • Concerns about border security
  • Concerns about the economy
  • Concerns about education policies
  • Concerns about gender identity issues
  • Concerns about abortion

The article goes on to cite other things such as “religious demagoguery” that according to the author appears to be successfully hoodwinking Hispanic voters into accepting a home in the Republican Party. But the truth is that in the year since that article was written, Hispanic likely voters are deserting the Democratic Party in even larger numbers. According to a USA Today poll, Biden is entering 2024 trailing Trump with Hispanic voters by a substantial margin.4

We here at I Vote My Vote applaud the efforts by Hispanics to stem the current tide of US governance by self-immolation and call the country back to sanity. Hispanics see what needs to take place for this to happen; they are abandoning support for the current leadership in Washington in large numbers. We ask you to join us in making that same effort!

  1. Hochman, N. (2022). Exclusive: Hispanics More Likely Than White Democrats to Say Border ‘Not Secure’ by Double-Digit Margins. Retrieved from
  2. Talcott, S. (2024). Hispanic leaders warn Democrats: Voters are fed up with Biden. Retrieved from
  3. Stewart, K. (2022). The Democratic Party Is Shedding Latino Voters. Here’s Why. Retrieved from
  4. Page, S., Kuchar, S. & Kochi, 2. (2024). A fraying coalition: Black, Hispanic, young voters abandon Biden as election year begins. Retrieved from

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