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An IVMV Wish For Presidential Policies, Election #1

Seldom has an election been, as this one is coming in November, both a stark contrast in visions for America and such a portent of either continued economic and social upheaval or a reversal of direction towards social stability and economic improvement. We here at I Vote My Vote have a wish list for the presidential election.

According to the Constitution of the United States among the president’s duties some of the most significant are described as follows:

  • The president has ‘executive’ power. That is, the president has the power to “faithfully” execute the laws passed by the Congress as deemed necessary.
  • The president is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
  • The president is to be the “Commander in Chief” of all the armed forces.
  • The president is to conduct foreign policy, to maintain and regulation relations with foreign governments.
  • The president is to communicate with the Congress and the public regarding the state of country and other issues of importance.

Here at I Vote My Vote insist that a president to be elected that will actually execute the laws of the land…all the laws of the land. For example, President Biden has not “faithfully” executed the laws passed for safe and secure immigration. His dereliction of duty in executing immigration law has resulted in millions of illegal immigrants; many of which are known to be terrorists. As a matter of fact, though the administration protests otherwise, according to Roll Call, Presidents (including President Trump) have spend FEMA money to the tune of $1.7 billion since 2019 for immigrant care.

We wish for a president who will actually defend the Constitution rather than criticize it and threaten to enact legislation to weaken it. The current president, his vice-president and the party they represent threaten to make sweeping changes to the US Constitution to support their political agenda.

The current president’s administration has enacted policies demanding that the military conform to a divisive view of society. Their ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ (DEI) regulations have weakened our country’s military preparedness. We here at I Vote My Vote wish a president to be elected who, as Commander in Chief, will strengthen our military and conduct foreign policy from a position of power.

We wish a president to be elected who will actually speak the truth to the American people. Our current president has the record for the fewest press conferences. Contrast President Biden’s record for press conferences with the fact that he has been on vacation on average more than a third of each year he’s been in office. Biden’s (Harris’) ‘basement’ or ‘bunker’ strategy during his campaign and administration has been the opposite of transparency; he has deliberately obfuscated his mental decline, his unpopular policies and disengagement. If the press has complained the complaint is characterized by the Biden’s cronies as ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation.’

As you can see by our wish list, in our view, the Biden presidency including his current vice-president and candidate for president, Kamala Harris, has been an administration of incompetence and dishonesty that has been characterized by dereliction of duty in almost every important way. Here at I Vote My Vote we hope that you as a voter will do your ‘homework.’ Become an educated and informed voter and VOTE! Vote for a president who will actually effectively fulfill the duties of the presidency. Comparing records will show you for whom to vote.

You should begin your ‘homework’ at this website: https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/2024-election/trump-biden-presidential-records/

  1. The Heritage Guide to the Constitution. (2024). The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/articles/2/executive
  2. TERROR AT OUR DOOR: HOW THE BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION’S OPEN-BORDERS POLICIES UNDERMINE NATIONAL SECURITY AND ENDANGER AMERICANS. (2024). The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. Retrieved from https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/FILE_6538.pdf
  3. Cohn, P. (2024). Analysis: Digging into FEMA spending claims on the campaign trail. Roll Call. Retrieved from https://rollcall.com/2024/10/08/analysis-digging-into-fema-spending-claims-on-the-campaign-trail/
  4. President Biden’s Proposed Supreme Court Reforms. (2024). The National Constitution Center. Retrieved from https://constitutioncenter.org/news-debate/podcasts/president-bidens-proposed-supreme-court-reforms
  5.  Lohmeier, M. (2024). How DEI Is Weakening The Military. Truth for the commoner. Retrieved from https://www.tftc.io/about-tftc/
  6. Franks, G. (2024). Biden holds record for lowest number of press conferences. The Dailypress.net. Retrieved from https://www.dailypress.net/opinion/local-columns/2024/03/biden-holds-record-for-lowest-number-of-press-conferences/
  7.  US President Joe Biden took an average of 133 days off per year in office—far more than Donald Trump. (2024). The Economic Times. Retrieved from https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/us-president-joe-biden-took-an-average-of-133-days-off-per-year-in-officefar-more-than-donald-trump/articleshow/113168351.cms
  8. A Candidate in Isolation: Inside Joe Biden’s Cloistered Campaign. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://rollcall.com/2024/10/08/analysis-digging-into-fema-spending-claims-on-the-campaign-trail/

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